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Expanded Dutch edition of Baker's classic on the microscope

BAKER, Henry.
Het mikroskoop gemakkelyk gemaakt, of gemeenzaame beschryving, van allerley werktuigen, die men gebruikt om zeer kleine diertjes ... te beschouwen; ... Vervolgd met een berigt van de verbaazende ontdekkingen die door middel van vergrootglazen gedaan zyn: ... Bij deezen derden druk thans nagezien, verrykt met aantekenigen en vermeerderd met een aanhangzel, ... door Martinus Houttuyn.
Amsterdam, heirs of F. Houttuyn, 1778. 8vo. With 28 folding engraved plates. Contemporary tanned half sheepskin. 36, 496, [16] pp.
€ 1,275
Third edition of the expanded Dutch translation of Henry Baker's 1742 The Microscope Made Easy, well illustrated and with a nearly hundred-page appendix new to this edition. The first part of the book describes microscopes, including the lenses Antonie van Leeuwenhoek used, and techniques for studying microscopic objects. The second part describes discoveries made with the microscope, covering animals, plants, minerals, the human body, etc. The new appendix contains descriptions of new microscopes, some remarks on their use, and additional comments on the "little animals" that Van Leeuwenhoek had seen in human blood. Several authors contributed to part 3, including Baker, Adams, Di Torre and Lieberkuhn. The 28 engraved plates (half in the new appendix) show different kinds of microscopes as well as microscopic views of objects and materials.
Some waterstains throughout the book, but otherwise in very good condition. Binding slightly damaged at the hinges, but otherwise very good. Modern bookseller's ticket. A very good copy of this popular and well-illustrated book on the microscope, with much text and numerous plates new to this edition. Van de Velde, Microscoop III, pp. 726-729.
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