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Eulogies of four famous scientists

FRISI, Paolo.
Elogio del cavaliere Isacco Newton.
[Milan, Guiseppe Galeazzi, 1778].
(2) FRISI, Paolo. Elogio del signor D'Alembert.
Milan, Guiseppe Galeazzi, 1786.
(3) FRISI, Paolo. Elogi di Galileo Galilei e di Bonaventura Cavalieri.
Milan, Guiseppe Galeazzi, 1778. 3 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary half sheepskin parchment. 132; 81, [1 blank]; 107, [5], 53, [1] pp.
€ 1,250
Four eulogies, written in Italian by the astronomer and mathematician Paolo Frisi (1728-1784), paying respects to Isaac Newton (1643-1727), Jean le Rond d'Alembert (1717-1783), Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) and Bonaventura Cavalieri (1598-1647). The latter two, written more than 100 year after their death, are published together in one work.
Paolo Frisi (1727-1784), was himself a celebrated scientist, professor at Padua, later at Milan, who had travelled in France, England and the Netherlands, making friends with the famous scientists of these countries. He published a large number of scientific works, earning for himself an award and the membership of the Academy of Science at Paris. His eulogies remain of interest as they show the changing opinion of the scientists and are still cited today.
Some thumbing to the title-page, the third work slightly browned, spines partly cracked; a good copy. ICCU 011989, 003145 & 000950; Riccardi I, p. 489, Frisi 37, 46 & 38.1.
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