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A forerunner of the pressure cooker and steam engine

HAAN, Andreas Leopold.
Proeven met de Papiniaansche pot. Waardoor aangetoond wordt dat, door dezelve, de plantgewassen, dieren en mineralen niet alleen, binnen weinig uuren , door een eenvoudig scheivogt ontbonden, maar ook de zuiverste extracten en wezenlyke zoutten bereidt konnen worden. Uit het Latyn vertaald door een liefhebber der scheikunde. En met een aanpryzend bericht voorzien door Boudewyn Tieboel.
Amsterdam, M. Schalekamp, 1775. 8vo. With a full-page engraving of the "papiaanse pot". Original grey wrappers. XVIII, 60 pp.
€ 700
Rare first and only edition of the Dutch translation of a treatise on the so-called Papinian pot (Papinscher Topf), a device for extracting the essential material from all kinds of pharmacological simples from the three domains of nature: animals, plants and metals. The device was developed by Denis Papin (1647-1712), a French physicist, mathematician and invertor, best known for this pioneering invention of the steam digestor, a forerunner of the pressure cooker that also contributed the cylinder and piston to the gradual development of the modern steam engine. The original Latin treatise Libellus, in quo demonstratur quod non solum vegetabilia, animalia, et mineralia menstruo simplici paucis horis possint solvi, verum etiam extracta purissima, et salia essentialia educi (Vienna, Joannes Thomas Trattner, 1766) was written by Andreas Leopold Haan, municipal physician at Graz. The translator, Boudewyn Tieboel (1738-1814) was a pharmacist at Franeker and since 1758 at Leeuwarden, who added a summary of his own experiments.
Spine damaged. Untrimmed. Otherwise in good condition. Bolton 50;, Blake 191; Neu 1797; STCN (5 copies); Wellcome III, p. 187; not in Bierens de Haan; Waller.
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