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Rare practical manual for cultivating bulbous plants

KLEEMANN, C.H, Johannes Augustinus Bernardus KUYPER VAN WASCHPENNING, transl.
Kort en grondig onderwijs, in het kweeken der meest gezochte bolgewassen. Gevolgd naar het Hoogduitsch van C.H. Kleeman, systematisch gerangschikt, met de geslachts- en soortkenmerken en eenige bolgewassen vermeerderd door J.A.B. Kuijper van Wäschpenning, voorafgegaan van het geslachtsstelsel van Linnaeus.
Breda, F.P. Sterk, 1829. 8vo. Original publishers printed stiff paper wrappers. [2 blank], [4], III, [1 blank], V, [1 blank], 127, [1] pp.
€ 950
Rare first edition of the Dutch translation of a practical handbook flower lovers to enable them to grow their own flowers from bulbs. Dutch translation of Kurze und gründliche Anweisung zur Kultur der beliebtesten Zwiebelgewächse zum Zimmer- und Gartenflor für angehende Blumenfreunde (1828) by C.H. Kleemann, who was the court gardener of Schloss Carolath in Siedlisko, Poland. Kleemann used the system of Linnaeus to organize the bulbous plants in the first part of this handbook. The Dutch translator Johannes Augustinus Bernardus Kuyper van Wäschpenning here adds descriptions of more bulbs to the original text. He was highly regarded in his time and known for his discovery of the Crocus vernus. Kleemann is always referred to as "C.H. Kleemann", however this stands for his title "Carolathischen Hofgärtner", not the initials of his name, which we could not trace.
Front wrapper stained, small tear in the back wrapper, otherwise in good condition. Vaderlandsche letteroefeningen 1830. I, pp. 204-205; Krelage catallogue 176 "rare"; Johnston 957; NCC (6 copies); cf. Dochnahl p. 83 (German ed.).
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