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Reaching Christian truth by studying nature; the final edition of Montaigne's translation

SABUNDE (SEBONDE), Raymond of and Michel de MONTAIGNE (translator).
La theologie naturelle ... traduite en François ...
Rouen, Jean de la Mare, 1641. 8vo. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [1], [1 blank], [13], [1 blank], 891, [49] pp.
€ 2,500
Sixth (?) edition of Michel de Montaigne's (1533-1592) translation of the Book of creatures or Natural theology by the Catalan theologian Raymund of Sabunde (ca. 1385-1436). Written round 1436, "the Book of creatures belongs to the tradition of medieval works that follow the imperative according to which faith must evolve into seeking understanding. It was given the name of Natural theology because, as asserted in the prologue, it sets out to offer every human being the means of reaching the truth of Christian dogma, thanks to his own efforts, just by reading into the book of God's creation". However, although the book tries to guide the reader towards the fundamental truths of Christianity, basing itself on the visible order of creatures, it is halfway stated that since human nature is corrupt, the scriptures are more important and "God's word is to be believed in itself" (Habert).
Although the translation was commissioned by the Paris booksellers and appeared without Montaigne's name, it brought him his first fame as a man of letters. During his career he would return to Sabunde, publishing an Apology for Raymund of Sabunde among his famous Essays en revising his translation in 1580. First published in 1569, Montaigne's translation was reprinted several times, with the final edition appearing in 1641. After that the text would only reappear in 19th-century editions of Montaigne's complete works.
Binding slightly soiled and lacking a small part at the lower back. Spotted throughout and and with several wormholes; the final 8 pages damaged, leading to some text loss. Overall a good copy. Caillet, Manuel bibliographique des sciences psychiques ou occultes III, 10074; Habert, "Montaigne, translator of Raymond Sebond," in: The Oxford handbook of Montaigne, pp. 78-96.
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