GROENEWEGEN, Gerrit (engraver).
Verzameling van vier en tachtig stuks Hollandsche schepen, geteekend en in koper gebragt door G. Groenewegen.
Rotterdam, J. van den Brink, [1829]. Oblong 4to (ca. 17.5 x 22.5 cm). With a letterpress title page and 84 finely designed and engraved views of Dutch sailing vessels (image size ca. 13.5 x 15.5 cm), divided into 7 series of 12 etchings each, lettered A-F (the 7th and last series without a letter) and numbered 1-12 in the plates, all with a Dutch title below. The first plates of the first and second series show the author's name and the original title in Dutch and French in the main sail, the first plates of the other series are signed by Groenewegen in the upper blank part of the plate. Modern vellum with the name of G. Groenewegen written in black ink on the spine. [85] ll.
€ 6,500
Very rare early 19th-century reissue of a very attractive series of etchings by the Dutch artist Gerrit Groenewegen (1754-1826), illustrating the ships and boats that were in use for both inland and maritime shipping in the Netherlands at the end of the 18th century. These maritime prints were first published between 1786-1801 in seven separate series, the first series under its original title Verscheide soorten van Hollandse vaartuigen geteekent en gesneeden door G Groenewegen ... Plusieurs sortes de batiments hollandoise dessiné et gravé par G: Groenwegen a Rotterdam ... They were subsequently reissued into one volume (presumably around 1801), with the divisional titles and the dates erased from the plates. The present reissue is very scarce, as it has not been recorded in WorldCat.
Our edition is an undated reissue of this second collected edition, with the address "Noordblaak, D. 295" of the publisher J. van den Brink in Rotterdam on the title-page. This reissue is listed in the Naamlijst, van uitgekomen boeken, kaarten, prentwerken, enz. 1829-1833. Deel 9 (Amsterdam, C.L. Schleijer, p. 80) for the year 1829, together with a reissue of Groenewegens maritime print series "Schepen" which was also published by J. van den Brink in Rotterdam. The paper of most plates show parts of the same watermark: a crowned shield enclosing a horn, with a small beehive as appendage under the shield and below the lettering "C & I Honig", which is identical to Voorn, no. 183 (date: 1824).
With a manuscript ownership entry of Belgian marine painter Louis Jacques Serruys (1820-1873), dated 1847 in pencil crossed out in brown ink and in that same ink also a later annotation "Vente Mr Louis S., Dec: 1873", both on the first preliminary blank leaf. Further with a manuscript ownership entry of C.H. van Dam, Rotterdam (dated May 1952) in black ink on the recto first free endpaper, stating that this copy was formerly owned by the Dutch artist and curator Cornelis Gerardus t Hooft (1866-1936), whose collection was sold at auction in Amsterdam in 1952 (Menno Hertzberger, 21-23 April 1952). Additionally with two small annotations in pencil on the title-page. The boards are slightly warped, the first free endpaper has a small hole in the foot margin, the edges of the leaves are very slightly browned, and a few etchings are very slightly soiled in the blank margins. Otherwise in good condition. De Groot/Vorstman, Zeilschepen, no. 191-202 (listing only the F-series); Scheen I, p. 404; Thieme/Becker XV, pp. 66-67; Von Wurzbach I, p. 619; cf. for the [1786-1801] ed. Cat. NHSM II, p. 751; STCN 298746026 (2 copies); WorldCat 740253847, 1090204154 and 1121289165 (7 copies); for the watermark see Voorn, De papiermolens in de provincie Noord-Holland, 183 (date: 1824).
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