SAVARON, Jean (Sieur de Villars).
Traicté de l'espee Francoise.Paris, Adrien Périer, 1610. With engraved emblematic heraldic device on title-page (right hand holding a sword, emerging from a cloud, with crosses and fleurs-de-lis on the sword's blade and in the background, the whole representing King Louis XIII protecting France and the Church) with the motto "Pro religione et regno".
With: (2) SAVARON, Jean (Sieur de Villars). Traicté contre les duels. Avec l'edict de Philippes le Bel, de l'an M.CCC.VI. non encores imprimé.
Paris, Adrien Périer, 1610. With Périer's woodcut compasses device on title-page with motto "labore et constantia", borrowed from Christoffel Plantin. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. 18th-century sprinkled calf. 56; [16], 125, [3 blank] pp.
€ 9,500
Ad 1: Rare first and only edition of Savaron's treatise on the history of the sword in France, its use and the right to bear a sword as arms. Savaron dedicated the book to King Louis XIII, "the sword of the world".
Ad 2: Rare first edition of a curious treatise against the mania and dangers of dueling. This mania had grown so great that in the preceding 20 years about 8000 noblemen had been killed by their opponents on the dueling ground. Authorities and critics bemoaned the dueling mania in part because the de facto toleration of the practice seemed to concede that the nobility was above the law, subject only to a code of conduct of its own.
Jean Savaron (1566-1622), was a French historian and writer from Clermont. He also was a lawyer in Bordeaux and advised the court of Montferrand. Later he became a lieutenant general of the sénéchaussée in Avergne.
With owner's inscription of J.P. Gautin (?) including date 4 September 1610 at head of first title-page and a similar inscription shaved at head of second title-page; owner's initials "L.C. de T" in what appears to be a contemporary hand. Slightly browned, but otherwise in very good condition. Binding rubbed and spine damaged, but structurally sound and with most of the tooling clear. Two early complimentary treatises, on sword fighting and against dueling. Brunet V, col. 153 (ad 1 & 2); Cionarescu XVII, 61664 & 61665; Cockle, addendum 7 (ad 1); Levi and Gelli, p. 412 (ad 2); Thimm, p. 257 (ad 1 & 2); WorldCat (6 & 8 copies); not in Sloos, Warfare; Vigeant; for Savaron: NBG XLIII, cols. 386-387.
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