Esercizio da premettersi dalle donne in stato di gravidanza per conseguire da dio per l'intercessione del glorioso San Torello protettore insigne l'essenzione da tutti i pericoli e felicità nel prossimo parto.
Florence, Stamperià Arcivescovile alla Croce Rossa, 1822. 8vo. Beautifully embroidered contemporary pink silk over paperboards, with flowers and a border along the edges of both sides, and the initials "CM" in centre of front cover, preserved in a modern marbled slipcase. 39 pp.
€ 12,500
Unrecorded account of the life and works of the blessed Torello of Poppi (1202-1282), a Franciscan hermit in Tuscany. Although here called "San Torello", he was beatified in the 18th century but has not been canonized. Accounts of his miracles saving small children led people to treat him as a patron of pregnant women (pp. 3-12), with directions for a nine-day exercise for pregnant women to invoke a fortunate pregnancy, with a mediation devoted to San Torello on pp. 13-30. On pp. 31-34 is a responsory in verse, to be recited at the tomb of San Torello, followed by a method to invoke the mediation of San Torello, some citations from the Bible and short prayers (pp. 35-39).
Very good copy in a beautiful contemporary embroidered binding. Not in KVK; WorldCat.
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