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The book by Abraham the Jew that Nicolas Flamel allegedly gained his skill from

ABRAHAM ELEAZAR, Rabbi, [Julius Gervasius von SCHWARZBURG (attributed)]. Uraltes Chymisches Werk.
Including: [IDEM]. Donum dei Samuelis Baruch, des Juden Rabbi.
Leipzig, Lankischens Buchhandlung, 1760. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, 15 numbered full-page engravings, numerous woodcut illustrations in the text, woodcut decorated initials, and woodcut head- and tailpieces at the beginning and end of each part. Modern silver- and blind-tooled greenish-brown leather with a red morocco title label lettered in silver on the spine, red edges. [1], [1 blank], [26], 122, [14], [1], [1 blank], [10]; [1], [1 blank], 104, [12] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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Fourth edition of a scientific milestone: Agricola’s classic on mining and metallurgy

AGRICOLA, Georgius. De re metallica libri XII. Quibus officia, instrumenta, machinae, ac omnia denique ad metallicam spectantia, non modo luculentissime describuntur ... Quibus accesserunt hâc ultimâ editione, tractatus ejusdem argumenti, ab eodem conscripti, sequentes. De animantibus subterraneis ... De ortu & causis subterraneorum ... De natura eorum quae effluunt ex terra ... De natura fossilium ... De veteribus & novis metallis ... Bermannus sive de re metallica, dialogus ...
Basel, Emanuel König, 1657. Folio (ca. 34.5 x 20.5 cm). With a woodcut illustration on the title page (identical to the one printed on p. 176), 2 folding woodcut plates (one depicting a sundial) and 289 woodcut illustrations and diagrams in the text, including 68 almost full-page. Contemporary sprinkled calf. [1], [1 blank], [3], [3 blank], [8], 708, [58], [2 blank], [32] pp. Full description
€ 6,850
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Very rare first edition of one of the earliest printed books on Freemasonry
including an unpublished late 18th-century manuscript Masonic poem in English

[ANDERSON, James]. The constitutions of the Free-Masons. Containing the history, charges, regulations, &c. of that most ancient and right worshipful fraternity. For the use of the lodges.
London, Printed by William Hunter for John Senex and John Hooke, 1723 ["In the year of masonry 5723. Anno Domini 1723"]. Large 4to (ca. 23 x 18 cm). With the allegorical engraved frontispiece by John Pine, a woodcut vignette on the title-page, the engraved coat-of-arms of the dedicatee John, 2nd Duke of Montagu, 6 pages with printed musical scores, one woodcut tailpiece and 6 historiated woodcut initials. Contemporary dark brown calf, re-backed with a modern ribbed spine with black morocco title-label lettered Constitutions in gold. [8], [91], [1], [3 with manuscript text], [13 blank] pp. Full description
€ 28,000
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The Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament from the famous Antwerp Polyglot

ARIAS MONTANUS, Benito (editor).

Novum testamentum Graecum.
[Geneva], Petrus de la Rouière, 1619.
With: (2) PAGNINI, Sante (translator) and Benito ARIAS MONTANUS (editor). Biblia Hebraica eorundem Latina interpretatio ...
[Geneva], Petrus de la Rouière, 1618.2 works in 1 volume, both in 4 parts. Folio. With numerous decorated woodcut initials and woodcut headpieces, the work is printed in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew type. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum with remnants of closing ties, red gauffered edges. [8], 271, [1 blank], [50], [2 blank], [4], 70, [2 blank], 167, [1 blank]; 183, [1], 283, [1 blank], 84, 203, [1 blank] pp.

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€ 8,500
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The famous Elzevier Dutch States Bible in a magnificent contemporary binding, the elaborately decorated gilt edges showing the coat-of-arms of the De Bont family

[BIBLE - DUTCH]. Biblia, dat is de gantsche Heylige Schrifture, vervattende alle de canonijcke boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments.
Including: De boecken genaemt apocryphe ...
Leiden, widow and heirs of Johannes Elzevier, 1663. 3 parts in 1 volume. Large folio (44.5 x 28 cm). With 3 letterpress title-pages (the first in red and black, and each with the same Elzevier woodcut tree device with "non solus"), a complete series of 6 double-page engraved maps (the Nicolaes Visscher maps, 5 published ca. 1657 and including the world map added ca. 1663), without the engraved title-page (as usual). Further with numerous woodcut initials and tailpieces. Contemporary elaborately gold-tooled red morocco over bevelled wooden boards, sewn on 8 supports with corresponding raised bands on the spine, with grand silver fittings (with the hallmarks of an unknown silversmith) dated on the inside of one of the clasps "1665", gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins. Further with gilt, painted, and elaborately gauffered and decorated edges; the fore edge shows the coat-of-arms of Jeremias de Bont with some floral decorations, these floral decorations can also be found on the top and bottom edges. The boards show a very intricate gold-tooled symmetric design of ribbons with small geometric stamps and with ornamental curling stamps - better known as "petit fers" - within the different parts of the bigger pattern. The binding contains 4 ornamental corner pieces on each board and two catch plates (front board) and two hinge plates (back board) connected by two decorated massive silver clasps, engraved on the inside "Ieremias de Bont (top) and "1665" (bottom). [22], "368" [= 370]; [13], "167" [= 168]; [2], 77 ll. Full description
€ 85,000
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First German edition of sermons on human actions
and mainly the Quattuor Novissima - the Four Last Things

BONAVENTURA (pseudo); [attributed to Durand of CHAMPAGNE]. Sermo[n]es quattuor novissimorum perutiles et nec[ess]arij. unu[m]que[m]q[ue] in devot[i]o[n]is ardore[m] dei q[uam] timore[m] [in]ducentes.
[Colophon: Cologne, Cornelius von Zierickzee, ca. 1502]. Small 8vo (ca. 12.5 x 10 cm). With a small woodcut illustration surrounded by woodcut border decorations on the title-page and two full-page woodcut illustrations in the text. The text is set in Gothic type. Later half vellum with marbled paper sides, blue edges. [2 blank], VII, [120] ll. Full description
€ 6,500
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Beautiful 19th-century prize binding commissioned by the drawing academy in Middelburg, containing Petrus Camper's final, posthumously published work on cephalometry

CAMPER, Petrus. Verhandeling van Petrus Camper, over het natuurlijk verschil der wezenstrekken in menschen van onderscheiden landaart en ouderdom; over het schoon in antyke beelden en gesneedene steenen. Gevolgd door een voorstel van eene nieuwe manier om hoofden van allerleye menschen met zekerheid te tekenen.
Utrecht, B. Wild and J. Altheer, 1791. Large 4to (ca. 26 x 20 cm). With 10 engraved plates: 5 folding double-page plates, 4 full-page plates, numbered I-IX and all dated ca. 1768-1786 in the plates, depicting heads and skulls of humans and apes engraved by Reinier Vinkeles after Petrus Camper, and 1 unnumbered plate depicting a geometric figure. 19th-century mottled calf, with a circular green morocco inlay lettered in gold, within a gold-tooled laurel wreath as a centre piece on both boards. "VIII" [= X], 108, [1]. [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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One of the finest books on the North Pacific

CHORIS, Louis. Voyage pittoresque autour du monde, avec des portraits de sauvages d'Amerique, d'Asia, d'Afrique et des iles du Grand Ocean; des paysages, des vues maritimes, et plusieurs objets d'histoire naturelle.
Paris, Firmin Didot, 1820-1822. Folio. With a lithographed portrait of Count Romanzoff as a frontispiece and 104 lithographed plates, including 25 natural history plates in fine contemporary hand-colouring. Further with 1 folding map and 2 plans. Contemporary elaborately decorated Russia leather(?) binding, ornately gold- and blind-tooled decorated boards with a gold- and blind-tooled green straight-grained morocco panel, with dark-blue/black morocco inlays on the gold-tooled spine, gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins, gilt edges, blue marbled endpapers, the blank free endpapers with a Russian watermark dated 1824. Full description
€ 180,000
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One of the great voyage collections

CHURCHILL, Awnsham and John CHURCHILL. A collection of voyages and travels, some now first printed from original manuscripts, others translates out of foreign languages, and now first published in English.
London, printed by assignment from Messrs Churchill, 1732. 6 volumes. Folio. With 164 engraved plates (folding, double-page and full-page), 2 portrait frontispieces, 2 engraved titles, numerous illustrations in text, and engraved arms of 28 named subscribers. Contemporary gold-tooled brown calf, with a red morocco title label on the spine. Full description
€ 30,000
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Printed letter, signed in manuscript, by the president of the province of Espírito Santo, a prelude to the abolition of slavery in Brazil in 1871

CORRÊA (CORREIA), Francisco Ferreira. [Drop title:] Gabinete do prssidente [!] da provincia do Espirito Santo, em 17 de outubro de 1871 ...
[Vitória, Espíritu Santo, Brazil], 17 October 1871. Folio (ca. 27.5 x 21 cm). Single sheet. [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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