[MANUSCRIPT]. DYLIUS, Joannes, compiler.
Dagwyzer der geschiedenissen, kortelyk behelzende, een' aanteekening van verscheidene gedenkwaardige zaaken, op elken dag van 't jaar, door de geheele waereld; bijzonder in de Nederlanden voorgevallen. Benevens de geboorte, en sterfdagen, van hooge, en laage stands persoonen, zo geestelijke als waereldlijke: beroemde helden, geleerde mannen, en kunstenaaren.
[Amsterdam], [frontispiece: 1778]. Narrow 8vo (16.5 x 9.5 cm). Manuscript in brown ink on laid paper, written in Dutch in a neat and clear but minute Latin hand, forming a calendar of historical events from 17 CE to 28 November 1777, with a grey ink and ink-wash allegorical frontispiece title, dated 1778 but signed by the artist "A:C. 1777.", and a title-page in 8 styles of plain and decorated Latin and gothic lettering (signed "Dr. Waller.|scripsit."). Contemporary richly gold-tooled red goatskin morocco, each board with a centrepiece and frame, both built up from separate (mostly floral) stamps, the whole surrounded by a sawtooth roll, the spine with a green morocco label in the 2nd of 6 compartments and each of the others with a central floral stamp and 4 cornerpieces (further with some fillets and rolls), gold-tooled turn-ins and board edges (with a floral roll), altogether 83 or 87 impressions of 7 or 8 stamps, plus 3 rolls and the fillets. It appears to come from what Storm van Leeuwen calls the "Rocaille-and-flower bindery", active ca. 1775-ca. 1812. [8 blank], [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [187], [9 blank] pp. including frontispiece.
€ 4,950
A beautifully produced manuscript, probably prepared for publication but apparently never published, listing more than a thousand events of historical importance (including the birth and death dates of important people) with a special emphasis on Dutch artists. The main text forms a calendar with two days per page, listing events for the relevant day from many different years. Although it includes events going back to 17 CE, most entries date after the Union of Utrecht (1579) gave birth to the Dutch Republic and many give the birth or death dates of Dutch artists. The book was compiled by the Amsterdam apothecary Joannes Dylius (ca. 1746/47-1807) and has its origins in a similar publication by the famous historian of the Dutch Revolt, Geeraert Brandt, Daghwyzer der geschiedenissen (1689), and a new version compiled by Govert Klinkhamer, Dagwyzer der geschiedenissen (1775).
Writing of the "Rocaille-and-flower bindery", Storm van Leeuwen notes the relatively small number of bindings known and continues: "If instead we concentrate on the quality of the decoration on those splendid bindings and on the tooling technique, we see a binder who was adept at both skills as well as being a man of taste".
From the collection of Jacobus Koning (1770-1832), scholar and devotee of Dutch history (especially the history of books and printing), literature and art. With a small tear repaired in the frontispiece, but otherwise in fine condition. The binding is worn at the hinges and corners, but still very good, with the tooling clear and well preserved. A beautiful and beautifully bound manuscript, especially interesting for its record of Dutch artists. J. de Vries et al., Cat. der letterkundige nalatenschap van wijlen Jacobus Konig, vol. 1 (manuscripts), 29 April-3 May 1833, lot 19.
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