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Rare pasquinade against an 18th-century travel account

[SULZER, Franz Joseph (subject)].
Der irrende Don Quitschot unsrer zeit, oder Beylage zu den dreyen Sendschreiben des k.k. Rittmeisters, und Auditors bey dem löblichen Dragoner Regimente Savoyen, J. Sulzers über seine litterarische Reise an Herrn Prediger Theodor Lang zu Cronstatt in Siebenbürgen.
[Vienna?], 1783. 8vo. Later plain boards. 71, [1 blank] pp.
€ 850
Rare anonymous pasquinade against Franz Joseph Sulzer's well-known Altes und Neues oder dessen literarische Reise durch Siebenbürgen, den Temesvarer Banat, Ungarn, Oesterreich, Bayern, Schwaben, Schweiz und Elsaß (...) in drei Sendschreiben an Hernn Prediger Theodor Lange (...), published in Vienna in 1782. This critical travel account is the result of a literary journey Franz Joseph Sulzer (1727-1791) made together with his son in the summer of 1782 to Austria, Hungary, Bavaria and Alsace. During this journey they visited many monasteries and libraries and Sulzers got acquainted with many scholars such as Johann Jacob Bodmer, Johann Caspar Lavater, Salomon Gessner, Johann Jacob Hess, the publisher J. Turneisen and Isaak Iselin in Basel. In Freiburg he met the professors Franz Jos. Bopp and Jos. Anton Petzeck, who advised him to try to get the professorship for Statistics at the Hochschule in Vienna. Back in Kronstadt, however, he returned to the army with the rank "Rittmeister und Auditor im Dragonerregimente Savoyen". The author of the pasquinade addresses and criticizes the enlightened Sulzer as the wandering Don Quixote of his time.
Slightly browned, otherwise in very good condition. Allgemeine Deutsche Bibliothek LX (1785), p. 185; VD18 10685952; WorldCat (8 copies); for the original work by Sulzer: Holzmann-Bohatta VI, p. 21, no. 589.
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