Les Fables dEsope, mises en François, Avec le Sens moral en quatre Vers, & des Figures à chaque Fable. Nouvelle édition revue, corrigée & augmentée de la Vie dEsope, avec Figures, & les Quatrains de Benserade, dédiée à la Jeunesse.
Rouen, chez A. Delalain, An XII [1804]. 12mo. With a full-page woodcut portrait (97 x 72 mm.) of Aesop., and 192 woodcuts of ca 56 x 72 mm., illustrating the Vie dÉsope (28) and 164 out of a total of 225 Fables; woodcut head- and tailpieces. Mottled calf over boards.. [8], C, 314, [2] (out of 10) pp.
€ 285
Augmented nicely illustrated re-edition of the editions of 1764 and 1787 with the same collation, printed by Richard Lallemant in Rouen (Bodemann, 113.1-2). As in these editions, also in our edition there are the 225 fables of Aesop in French prose with the quatrains by the French writer and dramaturge Isaac Benserade (1612-1691). The translation of the Vie dÉsope is illustrated with 28 woodcuts; the other 164 woodcuts illustrate 164 Fables. They are after the series of Bernard Salomon and Marcus Gheeraerts.
Our edition is copied page-for-page, strikingly accurate, from the edition: Rouen, chez les libraires, An VI [=1798], also in 12mo. (see nr. 57), using exactly the same type and (at least for the greater part) the same woodblocks for the illustrations.
Library stamp, ownerships entries and a note (1805) written on the first fly-leaves. Cf. Bodemann, 113.1-2.
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