AUDENAERDE, Robert van, after Andrea MANTEGNA.
C. Julii Caesaris Dictatoris triumphi de Gallia, Aegypto, Ponto, Africa, Hispania, quinquies eodem mense triumphantis; omnium, qui unquam fuere, Ducum, Regum Bellica virtute praestantissimi.
Rome, Domenico de Rossi, 1692. With an engraved allegorical title-print showing Minerva on a throne pointing towards a medallion with Caesar's profile, and 9 engraved prints by Robert van Audenaerde after Andrea Mantegna's paintings, showing the triumphal military parade celebrating Caesar's victory in the Gallic Wars. Each is numbered at the lower right and captioned below with an engraved description. The 10 prints are preserved in a paperboard folder covered with half green cloth and green marbled sides (ca. 57 x 47 cm). [1], 9 engraved ll.
€ 4,950
Complete series of 9 engraved prints by Robert van Audenaerde after Andrea Mantegna's paintings of Caesars triumphs, preceded by the title-print, commissioned by Cardinal Panciatico, with his arms at the foot of the title-print. Mantegna (1430/31-1506) created these paintings between 1484 and 1492 for the Ducal Palace in Mantua, commissioned by Duke Federico I Gonzago, or more likely his son Francesco II. They show the triumphal military parade celebrating Julius Caesar's victory in the Gallic Wars: a procession of Roman soldiers, musicians, exotic animals, war equipment and captives. These paintings are often acknowledged as Mantegnas greatest masterpiece, because they form the most complete pictorial representation of a Roman triumph. His paintings became very popular, also for engravers and printmakers, and many print series followed, including one from his own workshop. The present series by the Ghent engraver Robert van Audenaerde (1663-1743) is one of the most beautiful and gracious renderings of these paintings, with beautiful and highly detailed images.
Paperboard folder a little worn, front hinge cracked, so that the front board is nearly detached, boards reinforced at some places with transparent tape. Each print with a vertical crease (hardly affecting the plates), a few with very small marginal tears, some plates with an occasional stain or slightly browned or dust-soiled, but otherwise in good condition. Berlin Kat. 4060; Le Blanc, Manuel de lamateur destampes, Audenaerde 79-88 (p. 68); not in Hollstein.
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