HOROWITZ, Shabbethai Sheftel.
Sefer Shefa' tal.
Hanau, Hans Jakob Henne (Henah), [5]372 [= 1611/12]. Folio (31 x 20 cm). With about 15 woodcut illustrations in the text. Set in meruba Hebrew types with extensive passages in semi-cursive rabbinical. Later 17th-century blind-tooled vellum, modern endpapers. [10], 94 ll.
€ 8,500
First edition of a standard introduction to Kabbala, by the Prague rabbi, Shabbethai Sheftel Horowitz (1565-1619). Although the author was in Prague, the book was printed and published in Hanau. It is an impressive piece of book production, 15 years before Menasseh ben Israël set up the first Jewish printing office in Amsterdam.
With an eye-like owner's stamp on the title-page. Slightly browned, with an occasional spot, some stains at the head, and an occasional marginal tear, but otherwise in good condition. With the boards somewhat bowed, a large dark stain on the back board, and the supports have broken at the hinges. Bibliography of the Hebrew book 000137592; Steinschneider, col. 2241.
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