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Original editions of a very extensively annotated Phaedrus edition, together with a translation in German by Daniel Hartnack

Fabularum libri quinque, cum notis Danielis Hartnacci, Pomerani, historicis, ritualibus, moralibus, & philologicis.
Lübeck, Johann Wiedemeyer (printed by Heinrich Urban in Rudolfstadt), 1697.
With: (2) PHAEDRUS. Fünff Bücher seiner Fabeln, oder Gedichte und Geschichte...
Frankfurt & Leipzig, for Johann Wiedermayer in Lübeck, 1696.
2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. With an engraved plate and an engraved frontispiece, title-page in red and black. Marbled paper over boards with vellum spine label. [12], 752, [48]; [4], 356 pp.
€ 1,200
Ad 1: Phaedruss Fables in the original Latin verse (adapted from Aesops Greek prose), here in the first edition to include the incredibly extensive annotations, with abundant historical, moral and philological notes and explanations by Daniel Hartnack (1642-1708; also known as David Maphanafus), a professor and rector of the Latin Schools of Frankfurt a.d. Oder, Erfurt, Bremen and Altona. He also edited and translated several other classical Latin authors.
Ad 2: The first edition of Hartnecks complementary edition of Paedruss Fables where he has broken up each story into words and phrases that he presents with a German translation phrase by phrase or word by word, so that each sentence jumps back and forth between Latin and German, again with each fable followed by extensive comments and notes. He follows these fables with German prose "imitations" of Phaedruss fables and Danzets Latin prose paraphrases of the Latin verses in ad 1. The Latin text in the first part does not exactly follow either the verses in ad 1 or the prose paraphrases of the present work. The title-page notes that this edition is intended as an aid to young people, whose Latin is presumably still rudimentary.
The portrait in ad 1 has been pasted down on the inside front board, facing the frontispiece. Owners inscriptions on title-page. Lacking the "Fabularum Phaedri paraphrasis". Slightly browned, spine label and boards somewhat rubbed, otherwise in good condition. Schwabe/Barbier, 64-65, 124; VD17 3:307355F & 23:242497S (5 copies each).
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