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Lavishly illustrated course in the art of baroque architectural drawing and ornamental design

SCHÜBLER, Johann Jakob.
Grondige en duydelyke onderwyzing der volkomen kolommen-ordening, zoo als men dezelve in de heedendaagse-boukunst, gewoon is te gebruyken. ...
Including: Het tweede deel van het Grondig onderwys ..., waar in voorgestelt word zes nieuwe geinventeerde portaalen met sierlyke balkons op vrystaande kolommen; ...
Amsterdam, Petrus II Schenk, 1728. 2 volumes bound as 1. Folio (33.5 x 20.5 cm).. With 2 title-pages, each with the same large engraved illustration of an Amsterdam patrician's residence, 2 engraved architectural frontispieces, and 34 illustration plates (I-XVII, I-XVII), al engraved after the author's drawings, mostly by Renz and Montalegre (the second frontispiece by Johann Christoph Weigel). Modern maroon half calf. [6], 16; [4], 22 pp. plus frontispieces and plates.
€ 2,500
Rare first and only Dutch edition, published soon after the first, undated, edition (in German) and printed from its plates, of the first two volumes of a well-illustrated course in architectural decoration and related decorative design by the Nürnberg architect, mathematician and draughtsman Johann Jakob Schübler (1689-1741). The third volume was never published in Dutch, but these two form a richly illustrated concise course in the art of architectural drawing and ornamental design for architects. Besides the columns that form the main part of volume 1 it presents examples of richly ornamental porches, balconies, bay windows, doorways, cabinets, furniture, stoves, carriages, sledges and other architectural ornament, all explained in the accompanying text. At the same time the book presents and illustrates the mathematics of drafting techniques, including perspective drawing. Schüber has been by turns embraced and eschewed for his extravagant baroque fantasy, displayed here especially in the bay windows, stoves and especially the carriages and sledges, reminiscent of those at Schloss Nymphenburg in Munich.
With an occasional minor smudge or spot and a few winkles in the paper, but still in very good condition, the binding fine. A richly ornamental display of late baroque architectural design with instructions for the student. Bierens de Haan 3621-3622; STCN (5 copies); WorldCat (adding 2 more copies); cf. Millard coll. (northern European) 114; not in BAL.
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