[COLENSO, William].
Ko te tuarua o nga pukapuka waki; hei wakakite atu i nga hanga a te Hahi o Roma.
Hobart (Tasmania), Rowland Skipsey Waterhouse and Jabez(?) Waterhouse, 1840. 12mo. Side stitched, but never bound. 24 pp.
€ 1,750
First edition, printed in Tasmania in the Maori language, of an anti-Catholic pamphlet by William Colenso (1811-1899), printer, missionary, botanist and explorer in New Zealand, containing three dialogues between "Rapupono" ("Truth Seeker") and "Aroha Pono" ("True Love", the pen-name Colenso used in his religious polemics) exposing what he saw as six errors in the Roman Catholic Church. These are additional to six that he had discussed in a pamphlet with three similar dialogues earlier in the same year.
In very good condtion. Ferguson 3055b; T.M. Hocken, Bibl. New Zealand literature, p. 517; H.W. Williams, Bibliography of printed Maori (1924/1975), 63.
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