Le négociant du Pays-Bas, ou le tarif général de tous les comptes du commerce; tant pour calculer les monnoyes, les intérêts, répartitions, &c. Que toutes sortes de marchandises, denrées & négoces tant en gros qu'en détail. Onzième édition. Augmenté avec la réduction de l'argent de change de Brabant, en celui courant en Brabant, & celui de l'argent courant de Brabant en celui de change de Brabant. Et un tarif pour connoitre le prix d'une livre de marchandise par le prix du cent.
Antwerp, Johannes Judocus Gerardus de Marcour, [ca. 1780?]. 12mo. Contemporary mottled, tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. XXIII, [1], 543, [1] pp.
€ 2,500
Corrected and augmented "eleventh" edition of a handbook for merchants and traders in the Southern Netherlands, here in a French edition, but also available in Dutch (Den Nederlandschen negociant ...). All editions appear to be very rare. It consists of numerous tables giving information for the conversion of monetary units, weights and measures.
The privilege (p. XXIV) is issued in the name of Maria Theresa, who died in 1780, and De Marcour was active from 1764 to 1797. The many unnumbered editions no doubt confused publishers, who probably numbered their editions to follow the highest number they had seen: the University of Kansas has a "ninth" edition (Liege 1784), the Hendrik Conscience library a "ninth" (Antwerp, De Marcour, 1792); ; and there is a "tenth" (Antwerp, Grangé, 1798).
With some early 19th-century annotations on endpapers. Spine slightly rubbed, one leaf party detached, but otherwise in very good condition. Groote, Vijftig jaar boekdrukkunst te Antwerpen, p. 31; Anet (3 copies); STCV (1 of the same copies); WorldCat (2 of the same copies).
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