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Plants and dyes

DE BEUNIE, Joannes Baptista.
Antwoord op de vraege welk zyn de profytelykste planten van dit land, ende welk is hun gebruyk zoo in de medicynen als in andere konsten.
(2) DU RONDEAU, François. Mémoires sur la question: quelles sont les plantes les plus utiles des Pays-Bas, & que lest leur usage dans la medicine & dans les arts.
(3) DE BEUNIE, Joannes Baptista. Antwoord op de vraege welk is de beste ende onkostbaerste maniere van vlasse gaeren ende andere vegitabile stoffen swert te verwen, ...
Brussels, Antonius dOurs, 1772. 3 works in 1 volume. 4to. Modern blue paper wrappers. 70; 18; 30 pp.
€ 1,500
Three rare related treatises concerning the uses of certain plants. The two by the licentiate in medicine Joannes Baptista De Beunie are the winning answers to a competition of the Letterkundige Maatschappij van Brussel (Literary Society of Brussels) and treat the medical and other applications of plants from the Low Countries, especially the dyeing of cloth. Du Rondeau made some observations concerning the first question and treats the growing of Rhubarb, dyeing with fresh madder and tanning leather.
Some leaves in the third work a bit browned, otherwise in very good condition. Ad 1: Anet (1 copy); Pritzel 757; STCV (3 copies); WorldCat (6 copies); ad 2: Anet (1 copy); Pritzel 2561; STCV (3 copies); WorldCat (6 copies, incl. 1 the same); ad 3: STCV (1 copy); WorldCat (5 copies); not in Anet; Pritzel.
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