Reglas utiles para los aficionados a danzar: provechoso divertimiento de los que gustan tocar instrumentos. Y politicas advertencias a todo genero de personas. Adornado con varias laminas.
Capoa, Joseph Testore, 1745. Small 8vo (14×10 cm). With 35 woodcuts in text (including many full-page), 7 folding leaves with woodcut music notation and letterpress text, and some letterpress text set along curves. Many of the full-page woodcuts and some on the folding leaves also include dance notation. Mid 19th-century gold-tooled green calf, with the emblematic device of the "Bibliotheca de Salvá" and initials VSP (=Vicente Salvá y Pérez) on each board. [20], 302 pp.
€ 16,500
One of the three editions, all dated 1745, of a richly illustrated work on dancing by the Catalan dance instructor D. Bartolome Ferriol y Boxereaux. Derra de Moroda considers it one of the two principal works of 18th-century dance in Spain ("a very rare book"), although it primarily describes the practice of French dance then in vogue. The main text is divided into 3 parts treating the different steps of French dance, the movement of the legs and arms and the art of choreography. It shows both the dance notation of Feuillet and that of Rameau. The book is fascinating not only as an important record of dance and its notation, but also for its experimental graphic design.
From the Salvá library, formed by Vicente Salvá y Pérez (1780-1849) and his son, Pedro Salvá y Mallén (1811-1869). With a later monogram bookplate on paste-down incorporating the initials H, I[?]. D, R, A and E[?] in in purple, green and gold on a yellow ground. With the spine bookblock partially separated from the binding at the gutter of the first two free endleaves, the marbled front free endleaf is partially detached. The title-page is restored in the gutter margin and leaf C2 with a small corner torn off just touching the catchword. Good copy of one of the principal sources on the history of dancing in Spain in the 18th century. Biblioteca de Salvá 2513 (this copy); Derra de Moroda 925; Huth library 2848; cf. S.S. Bueno "Reglas útiles para los aficionados a danzar..., de Bartolomé Ferriol i Boxeraus" ; Magriel, p. 98 (Malaga ed.); Palau 90688-90789 (Naples & Malaga ed.).
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