GYSELAAR (GIJSELAAR), Johanna Maria Nicoletta de.
Album amicorum.
Gorkum, Leiden, Warmond, Delft, Amsterdam, The Hague, Laarwoude, Zuidlaren and Assen, 1800-1805. 8vo (14.5 x 10 cm). Manuscript album amicorum on paper, with entries in Dutch, French and German. With 3 watercolours of flowers, a small watercolour of roses, and a fine washed pen drawing of a view on a lake with fishermen at work by the owner's niece, J.M. de Gyselaar. Contemporary calf, richly gold-tooled spine and turn-ins, yellow silk endpapers. 192 pp.
€ 1,750
Album amicorum of a young Dutch noble girl: Jonkvrouwe Johanna Maria Nicoletta (Marie) de Gyselaer, with her autograph on back of the first leaf, dated 31-01-1800. According to the first poem, the album was a gift from the girl's mother, also dated January 31, 1800. The two following contributions are by the girl's parents (pp. 4-5): Nicolaas de Gyselaar (1753-1818) and M.J. (Martha Francina) de Gyselaar (1754-1800), born Collot d'Escury. Her mother was the daughter of Simeon Petrus Collot D'Escury (1719-1800), lord of Naaldwijk en Sliedrecht, and Charlotta Elisabeth van der Burch (1722-1755).
Following the contributions of her parents, there are contributions in Dutch by A.R. Croonenberg, Wed. Swanenburg (p. 7); D. Hoola van Nooten, dated Gorinchem, April 5, 1800 (p. 9); some French poems, signed with initials and dated Gorinchem, 11 May 1800 and Warmond, 12 February and 14 March 1802 (p. 10-13). Then a beautiful washed pen drawing of a view on a lake with fishermen at work, by "votre Cousine J.M. De Gyselaar" (p. 15); J.M. Cannaarts, Leiden, 19.8.1802 (p. 17); G.C.H. de Gijselaar, Leiden, 31.10.1802 (p. 19); J.B.E. Gael (p. 21); M.S.G. de La Faille, Warmond, 17 Febr. 1803 (p. 23); A.M. Sarvaas, Warmond, 4 March 1803 (p. 25); Wilhelmina Honten, Warmond, 12 March 1803 (p. 41). An English contribution is signed by H.A.T. van Stipriaan Luïscius, Delft, 17 March 1803 (likely the Dutch painter Hermina Agatha Theodora Stipriaan Luïscius (1789-1856), followed by a French contribution with flower painting by H. Stipr. Luïscius, 1803 (p. 62-3). These are followed again by some Dutch contributions by P. De Gyselaar and A.C. De Gyselaar-Van Helim, Amsterdam, 28 March 1804 (p. 65); a niece S.A.B. Hanedoes, Amsterdam, 28 March 1804 (p. 67); in French by another niece, Charlotte Collot d'Escurij (p. 68); contributions also in French by W.H. van Heemstra, The Hague, 24 June 1805 (p. 91); G.F. de Heiden, Laarwoud, 7 Oct. 1805 (p. 93); H. Guerin, Zuidlaren, 7 Oct. 1805 (p. 95). Then on two leaves a "Charade" follows, in French, signed with initials S. de H., and dated Assen, 8 Oct. 1805 (p. 101-3); and contributions in French, by W. Kymmell (?), dated Assen, 11 Oct. 1805 (p. 107). The last contribution is in German by R. von Prehn, dated 24 Oct. 1805 (p. 111); (pp. 112-192 blank).
Johanna Maria Nicolette de Gijselaer was the eldest of two daughters. She was born in 1785 in Gorinchem and married in 1810 to Lambert Joost Gansneb Tengnagel (1786-1819), who died in Batavia. By then, she had long given up collecting contributions for her album amicorum. The last entry is dated October 24, 1805. The various contributions, with intervals, and at continuously different places, suggest that the young lady is "coming out", staying with friends and relatives at different places possibly to meet suitable young men.
Binding slightly rubbed. Internally in very good condition.
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