[Three fortification plans].
[Raamsdonk], 1798. 3 manuscript fortification plans (measuring (ad 1) 58 x 93 cm, (ad 2) 24.5 x 24.5 cm (ad 3) 29.5 x 37 cm) on paper. All signed: T.P. van Gennep, 1798; and one: Raamsdonk, 29 January 1798.
€ 950
Collection of three fortification plans by T.P. van Gennep, including: (ad 1) a large and detailed plan of the fortifications of Neuf-Brisach (Alsace), executed in red and black ink, with light blue and red watercolour and decorated initials in red. With extensive 'Verklaring' (explanation) of the drawing-method of the profiles and the polygons.
(Ad 2:) The second plan with the title "methode van Pagan middle roiaal" is a fortification plan after a design by Blaise Pagan (1604-1665), a famous French fortification engineer, in black ink.
(Ad 3:) The third plan is a design of a similar fortification as the second plan, in black ink and light grey, brown and red watercolour.
Plans slightly worn near the edges and minor wormholes in the large plan. In good condition.
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