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Trompe l'oeil of country maps by a young French artist

[Trompe l'oeil drawing of country maps on a decorated background, titled:] Ciels Saint-Vincent.
[France?], August 1888. Brown and black ink, watercolour, chalk and gold paint on paper, mounted on several laminated sheets of paper (69.5 x 52.5 cm).
€ 2,750
Charming trompe l'oeil of maps of European countries, on a decorated background, somewhat reminiscent of a church ceiling. It contains a French inscription "to my beloved parents", which together with some inconsistencies in the use of perspective, suggest a young French artist. The maps show some interesting departures from reality: in the Netherlands, parts of the province of Gelderland are shifted 50 kilometres to the north, replacing Zwolle with Arnhem, and Sweden lacks Stockholm but includes Copenhagen in place of Malmö. However, the most humorous is in the map of Germany, which lacks its western neighbours - the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg and France - giving it an extensive North Sea coast. The gothic lettering is inconsistent in style, with the artist apparently improvising an alphabet for each inscription, in the process forgetting Denmark.
Somewhat soiled and browned at the edges, with several white spots due to overpainting; the sheets are coming loose from one another.
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Art, architecture & photography  >  Drawings, Prints & Watercolours
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