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First illustrated edition of this well-known work on medieval legal claiming and dueling

ALKEMADE, Kornelis van.
Behandeling van 't kamp-regt; d'aaloude en opperste regts-vordering voor 't hof van Holland, onder de eerste graaven.
Delft, Andries Voorstad, 1702. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece and 7 full-page engraved plates (frontispiece and first 3 plates (partly) colored by hand). Contemporary vellum. [22], 236 pp.
€ 400
Second (but first illustrated) edition of this well-known work on medieval legal claiming (Rechtsvordering) and justice by means of duels and single combats. It is partly a re-issue - quire A-O - of the first edition of 1699 with the same Delft publisher. Only the title-page and the introduction are different and the last quire (P) is reset accurately including the mistakes in the text and pagination; a dedication to the Rotterdam ex-burgomaster Adriaan Vroesen is added.
Cornelis van Alkemade (1654-1737) published a fair number of historical studies, later together with his sun-in-law Pieter van der Schelling who also published the third, much enlarged edition of the Kamp-Regt in 1740 (Rotterdam, Philip Losel), adding his own treatise on dueling: Verhandeling over ... het geregtelijk kampen, mitsgaders van de Duëllen.
With the book-plate of Claude André Hartman (1886-1975), a dutch officer and since 1953 director of the Dutch army museum at Delft. In very good condition. NNBW, 6, cols. 30-31; G.D.J. Schotel, Leven, Gedrukte Werken en Handschriften van Cornelis van Alkemade en Pieter van der Schelling (Breda, 1833), pp. 81-88; E.O.G. Haitsma Mulier & G.A. van der Lem, m.m.v P. Knevel, Repertorium van geschiedschrijvers in Nederland, 9 (1990), pp. 7-8.
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