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Illustrated travel account of the "sights" and sacred places in the Holy Land

GOUJON, Jacques.
Histoire et voyage de la Terre-Sainte, où tout ce qu'il y a de plus remarquable dans les saints lieux, est tres exactement descrit.
Lyon, Pierre Compagnon & Robert Taillandier, 1671. 4to. With a woodcut vignette on the title-page and 17 folding engraved plates showing maps, views, and plans of regions, mountains and buildings in the Holy Land, further with woodcut decorated initials, and woodcut head- and tailpieces. Contemporary calf. [1], [1 blank], [10], 358, [9], [1 blank] pp.
€ 11,500
Rare, nicely illustrated second edition of a work containing extensive information about and documentation on sacred places in the Holy Land, by Jacques Goujon. Goujon (1621-1693), a Franciscan born in Dijon, was initially a fur trader, but took part in a crusade to the Holy Land in 1636. In 1666, he returned there and stayed for a while in Jerusalem. On his way back he was shipwrecked and finally came ashore in Marseille, where he finished the present work. The work contains 17 detailed folding engravings, including a map of the Holy Land before page 1. Also included are engraving of Mount Thabor, Mount Sinaï, Old and New Jerusalem, all with a legend detailing the points of interest on and around the mountains and city. 4 other plates depict four parts of the road to Calvary taken by Christ, starting with the palace of Pilatus, followed by an illustration of the arch of Pilatus where the Jews chanted "Ecce Homo", an illustration of part of the route to Calvary (or Golgotha) - for example showing the house of Lazarus - and a fourth plan giving an overview of the city walls with the arch through which Christ marched to Golgotha, the temple of Salomon, the Mount of Olives and other significant religious places around Jerusalem. The remainder of 9 plates all give plans of buildings, like churches, in for example Jerusalem and Bethlehem.
The binding shows clear signs of wear and has been restored along the joints, with some minor water staining in the head margin and some slight foxing throughout. Otherwise in good condition. Röhricht 1142; USTC 6154757 (5 copies); Weber II 718; cf. Chadenat 4754 (1670 ed.).
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