HORTENSIUS, Lambertus.
Het boeck van den oproer der Weder-dooperen. Eerst int Latijn beschreven, ende ghedruckt tot Basel ... Ende nu in Nederlandts overgheset. ...
Enkhuizen, Jacob Lenaertsz Meyn, 1614. Folio. With 1 half-page and 8 full-page engraved plates in text (one repeat). Contemporary vellum. [4], 26 ll.
€ 1,950
The first Dutch edition (in the first state) of a detailed and graphic description of the Anabaptist attempt to establish a sectarian government in Münster, known as the Münster Rebellion, 1534-1535. The work includes a description of the Amsterdam Riots and is dedicated by the printer to the city council of Enkhuizen and by the author to the council of Amsterdam. The fine, anonymous plates vividly illustrate the persecution and subsequent execution of the Annabaptists. The plate on leaf 3 is erroneously repeated on leaf 5; in later states this error has been corrected.
With the bookplate and owner's inscription. Slightly frayed at outer margins; some plates shaved; a few stains, also affecting some plates. Small pieces of vellum from front cover gone. A fair copy of a rare work on the Münster Rebellion. Mennonite Encyclopedia II, p. 816; Simoni H-186; STCN (5 copies); cf. Knuttel, Kerkgeschiedenis, pp. 150-151 (later editions).
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