Tratado completo do jogo de florete, em o qual se estabelecem os principios certos dos exercicios offensivos, e defensivos desta arte; obra necessaria a's pessoas, que se destinão a's armas, e util a'quellas, que se querem aperfeiçoar.
Lisbon, Na impressão Regia, 1804. 4to. 8 folding engraved plates with 17 numbered figures. Later (ca. 1875/95?) gold-tooled green morocco,. 105, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp.
€ 2,500
First and only edition of a complete course in Portuguese on the use of the foil, by Theotonio Rodrigues de Carvalho, including the principles of both offence and defence. With 8 plates containing 17 figures, each showing a pair of fencers demonstrating defensive moves, attacks and various styles of swordsmanship. The author modestly says it is translated from the best French sources, but by editing and combining material from a variety of sources, he produced a separate work. The "Advertencia" explains that the figures were originally to appear on 2 plates, changed to 8 after the text was printed, hence the odd numbering.
One plate with a tear, water stains at the head of some plates, occasionally reaching the feather in a fencers hat, but otherwise in very good condition and nearly untrimmed, with a few bolts unopened at the head. Enrique De Leguina, Bibliografía e historia de la esgrima Española 173; Thimm, A bibliography of fencing and duelling, 48; WorldCat (4 copies).
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