Lyst van kunstwerken, door beoefenaars en verzamelaars bijeengebragt, om verloot te worden te behoeve van het Vaderland; tentoongesteld te Amsterdam, in het Nationale Geregtshof.
Amsterdam, Christiaan Andersen Spin, 1831. 8vo. With a lithographed frontispiece. Slightly later neoclassical gold- and richly blind-tooled long-grained red morocco, gilt edges. [2], 76, 8 pp.
€ 1,950
Very rare and remarkable catalogue of artworks exhibited in Amsterdam to raise funds for the Dutch army. It lists 1985 artworks, not only paintings but all kinds of crafts: miniatures, drawings, engravings, lithographs, glass painting etc. All works were to be sold in a lottery to raise funds for the 10-day Campaign (Tiendaagse veldtocht) on 2-12 August 1831 by King Willem I in order to suppress the Belgian uprising. The catalogue includes a lithographed allegorical frontispiece depicting the nation in the form of a bust of King Willem I supported by art. This was designed by court artist Nicolaas Pieneman (1809-1860) and is accompanied by a poem by Jan de Breet.
The present copy is the second, expanded and final edition, published shortly after the first. It lists all the artworks, including the later additions. The first edition lists only 1706 items, while the present second edition lists 1985. The frontispiece was slightly revised for the 2nd edition.
The catalogue is very rare, the Dutch union catalogue (NCC) lists only 1 copy (Rijksmuseum, 2nd ed). WorldCat also records a copy in the Frick collection. The RKD has a copy of each edition.
Minor rubbing on the extremities, otherwise in very good condition. NCC (1 copy); RKD 283621; WorldCat (2 copies).
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