AZEREDO COUTINHO, José Joaquim da Cunha de.
Alegasaõ juridica, na qual se mostra que saõ do padroado da coroa, e naõ da Ordem militar de Cristo, as igrejas, dignidades, e beneficios dos bispados do Cabo de Bojador para o sul, em que se compreendem os bispados de Cabo Verde, S. Thomé, Angola, Brazil, India até á China. Oferecida a Sua Alteza Principe do Brazil regente de Portugal.
Lisbon, Antonio Rodrigues Galhardo, 1804. 4to. With a woodcut coat of arms of Portugal on title-page. Contemporary, elaborately gold-tooled red morocco, with the coat of arms of Portugal on the front and back board, gilt edges, marbled endpapers. 82, [2] pp.
€ 8,500
Rare and attractively bound controversial work by the Brazilian bishop José Joaquim da Cunha de Azeredo Coutinho (1742-1821), stationed at Pernambuco (Olinda, Brazil) and author of several polemic works against the Portuguese government. In the present one he challenges the Mesa da Consciência e Ordens of 1532, which centralized the Portuguese monarch's power and put all Portuguese clergy stationed overseas at a disadvantage (in Cape Verde, Sao Thomé, Angola, Brazil, India and China). This controversial opinion led to the confiscation of the present publication shortly after it appeared on 20 June 1804, but several copies were distributed before that, including the present one. The red morocco binding with the coat of arms of Portugal in gold is superb.
In fine condition. Borba de Moraes I p. 230: "it is rare"; OCLC 968792117.
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