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Extremely rare account of the Battle of the Sound

Confrontation oder Gegenhaltung dess Schwedischen von Hölsingör vom 8 Nov. St. N. datirten, zu Elbing aber gedruckten Schreibens, und dann der gründlichen Relation Einiger Holländischen Schipper welche den 27 Novemb. allhier in Dantzig auffgekommen und an Eydes statt den ganzten Verlauff der neulichen See-Schlacht zwischen Holländischen und Schwedischen Schiffs-Flotten im Sunde, auszgesaget haben.
[Danzig], 1758. 4to. Early 20th-century cloth-backed boards. [8] pp.
€ 1,250
Extremely rare pamphlet relating to the Battle of the Sound, which took place on 9 November 1658 during the Second Northern War. In support of Denmark, the Dutch fleet under command of Jacob van Wassenaer Obdam tried to prevent the Swedish from gaining control over the Sound, a pivotal route for the Baltic trade and an important factor in the Dutch economy. Although the Dutch were successful, the vice-admirals Witte de With and Peter Floris were killed.
Slightly shaved; boards with small tickets and stamps. Very good copy. WorldCat (1 copy); not in Knuttel; KVK; cf. Tiele, Pamfletten 4619-4639.
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